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Smart and efficient sustainability



Established in 2015, we are the certified Energy Service Company of the Fervo Group. We offer innovative solutions for environmental sustainability and energy efficiency based on ongoing research and development and state-of-the-art technologies for the protection of natural assets and property.



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As an Energy Service company, we identify and implement energy efficiency solutions and measures with Energy Management projects and services.

We handle everything from the design and construction of energy efficient systems to energy production and the environmental sustainability of public and private buildings (including turnkey photovoltaic systems), in line with the European framework for energy and climate policies.

Energy diagnosis

We assess the current energy performance of the property, identifying areas for improvement.

Energy efficiency measures

Energy Performance Contract (EPC). We implement measures to reduce energy consumption and upgrade your buildings/systems to ensure greater energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness, and a fast return on investment.

Energy Management

Advice on energy with a view to improving energy performance via a digital interface platform for real-time accounting of the building's consumption.

Building & Energy Management Systems (BEMS)

Innovative forms of automation, management and remote control of systems via a digital interface platform for real-time accounting of the building's consumption.

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► Green Line

We protect natural heritage (parks and gardens) with innovative solutions and technologies of low environmental impact.


All our proposals adhere to the CAM - Minimum Environmental Criteria - drawn up by the National Public Administration. Our services:

EcoSmart City

We design, provide and maintain innovative solutions (products and services) with a high technological content, using the IoT to make the urban space both smart and interactive.


Indoor systems capable of removing pollutants from the air and of shielding against computational electromagnetics (CEM) generated by IT equipment in offices and homes (printers, monitors, mobile phones, etc.).


We design eco-sustainable parks and gardens to safeguard biodiversity and protect the natural landscape while maintaining the harmony of the landscape and functionality to improve comfort.

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“Technologies and protocols for reducing CO2 emissions not only ensure financial savings but are also evidence of a greener vision of one's business strategy”



Our Eco2zone team offers customers innovative solutions in the field of sustainability and energy efficiency.

Energy diagnosis and measures Commerz Bank (immobile Quattro Porte Segrate) – Redazione Tabelle millesimali
Coima (immobile Energy Park) – Progetto contabilizzazione energetica separata
Axa Reim (immobile via Nizzoli Milano) – Progetto contabilizzazione energetica separata
Credit Suisse (immobile di via Rossini Lainate) – Progetto contabilizzazione energetico
Bbraun SpA (immobile via Vincenzo da Seregno Milano) – Diagnosi Energetica
Trias srl (immobile via Bensi Milano) – Calcolo superfici e redazione planimetrie
Unicom Shopping Srl ( centro commerciale Portasiena Piazza Rossini Siena) – Pratica accisa agevolata Gas
Portasiena Srl (centro commerciale Portasiena Piazza Rossini Siena) – Pratica per ottenimento incentivi impianto FV
Amundi SGR (immobile via Marchetti Roma) – Progetto contabilizzazione energetica separata
Buonvento Properties Srl (centro commerciale Buonvento strada Appia Benevento) – Pratica accisa agevolata Gas
Buonvento Properties Srl (centro commerciale Buonvento strada Appia Benevento) – Redazione APE
Caast Srl (via Fumagalli Mariano Comense) – Diagnosi Energetica
Caast Srl (via Fumagalli Mariano Comense) – Redazione Legge 10/91
FSI Srl (immobile «Torre Alfa» via Unione Europea S. Donato) – Sistema di calcolo per ripartizione spese energetiche
Borgo Uno Srl (centro commerciale Il Borgo Asti) – Diagnosi Energetica
Bbraun SpA (immobile via Vincenzo da Seregno Milano) – Pre assessment certificazione LEED
Installation of an Energy Monitoring System Prologis Srl (logistica di Romentino)
Prologis Srl (logistica di Piacenza)
Prologis Srl (logistica di Lodi)
Internos Sgr (logistica di Biandrate)
Axa Reim (immobili via Battistotti Sassi Milano)
Installation and upgrading of a LED technical lighting system Prologis Srl (logistica di Piacenza)
Savills Sgr (immobile via XI Febbraio Vimodrone)
Preparation and management of work on electrical and heating systems Caast Srl (via Fumagalli Mariano Comense)
Preparation and management of work on air-conditioning systems Bbraun Spa (immobile Via Vincenzo da Seregno Milano)
Installation of a photovoltaic system

Bianchi Industry S.p.a. (Stabilimento produttivo Cisterna di Latina) - 450 kWp

Azienda Agricola La Panizzina (Fabbricato strumentale attività agricola Mortara - PNRR Parco Agrisolare 2022) - 198 kWp

Sicuritalia (Uffici di Silea, Como e Pistoia) - tot. ca. 90 kWp

Esprinet S.p.a. (Logistica di Cambiago) - 600 kWp 

Nuovo Borgo (Centro Commerciale Asti) - 100 kWp

Installation of a system for increasing efficiency of electrical consumption Esprinet Spa (logistica di Cavenago)
Provision of an Energy Management Service

Savills Sgr (immobile via XI Febbraio Vimodrone) 
IVG Agnello Srl (immobile via Agnello Milano)
Triuvia GmbH (immobile via Jenner Milano)
Meag GmbH (immobile via Sarca Milano)


We possess the main health, safety and environmental certifications

Quality and the environment

Eco2zone was certified by Quaser Certificazioni Srl according to the standards:

We have been certified as an Energy Service Company (ESCo)* since 2017.

Eco2zone complies with the UNI CEI 11352: 2014 standard for the provision of energy services. The certificate in force is no. 520 - IT issued by "DIMITTO Italia Srl".


*An ESCo is a company with the skills and experience to provide all the technical, commercial and financial services necessary to carry out an energy efficiency project. The work begins with diagnosis of the energy demand (current and possibly also future demand) of the company or building and the opportunities for intervention, with relative technical-economic-financial feasibility analysis.

► Il management
Alessandro Belloni
Alessandro Belloni Presidente e CFOL'ingegnere Alessandro Belloni è Presidente e CFO di Eco2Zone, nonché Fondatore e CEO del gruppo Fervo, insieme a Rocco Ruggiero.
Alessandro Belloni Presidente e CFO
Rocco Ruggiero
Rocco Ruggiero Consigliere DelegatoRocco Ruggiero è Consigliere Delegato delle Linee Building ed Energy di Eco2Zone. È anche Consigliere Delegato e Fondatore del gruppo Fervo, insieme all’Ing. Alessandro Belloni.
Rocco Ruggiero Consigliere Delegato
Ulderico Monetti Consigliere Delegato

Ulderico Monetti è Consigliere Delegato di Eco2Zone e ne guida la Linea Green.

Ulderico Monetti Consigliere Delegato

Do you need advice?


Legal and operational headquarters
Via Assunta, 61 – Building D
(angolo Via La Malfa)
20834 – Nova Milanese (MB)

Tel. +39 0362 1980166
Fax +39 0362 459641